by kratzdistel | Jun 10, 2021 | 3D Furniture
My very first attempt with Marmoset...
by kratzdistel | Mar 23, 2021 | 3D Furniture, Videos
I’ve collected the rendered images of the chairs in this video primary for an animated PDF (Lookbook) but since flash is deactivated this doesn’t work anymore. So I decided to make a short video with background music instead. And here it...
by kratzdistel | Aug 21, 2020 | 3D Furniture, 3D Scenes
For a long time now I’ve been working every single day with Blender, making furniture, props, interiors, and rendering it. Here are the renderings of the past weeks: Bathroom Scene Interior Scene 9 Interior Scene 10 Interior Scene 11 Deco Scene 1 Deco Scene 2...
by kratzdistel | Jul 9, 2020 | 3D Furniture
Beside of 100 tables I’m now also done with 100 chairs, yeah. In fact I’ve already modeled chair no. 101 and 102, but I have to stop this and turn to a 100 sofa challenge, there are still over 30 sofas to do. 😉 In the meantime please take a look at chair...
by kratzdistel | Jun 24, 2020 | 3D Furniture, Videos
There’s a table that I didn’t show anywhere in the internet. And a sign I’ve made once as a 3D printable stencil / template for coffee art:...
by kratzdistel | Jun 17, 2020 | 3D Furniture
Yeah, I’m done with my “100 tables challenge”. 😉 I’ve modeled over 36 tables in the past 5 weeks, that means at least one table per day. And all the tables came out in different shapes. Here is table no. 99, a garden table with some clutter...