by kratzdistel | Sep 13, 2021 | 3D For Sale, 3D Freebies, 3D Prints, NFT, Patreon, Photos For Sale, Photos Freebies, Videos For Sale, Videos Freebies
Here’s a list of sites – just in alphabetical order – where you can buy my stuff for 3D Prints, Blender, DAZ Studio, Microstock, NFTs and Poser: Adobe Stock (Microstock) ArtStation (Blender, DAZ Studio) Opensea (NFT: Animations, Art) Patreon...
by kratzdistel | Mar 23, 2021 | 3D Furniture, Videos
I’ve collected the rendered images of the chairs in this video primary for an animated PDF (Lookbook) but since flash is deactivated this doesn’t work anymore. So I decided to make a short video with background music instead. And here it...
by kratzdistel | Jun 26, 2020 | Videos
From time to time I’m purchasing Blender AddOns cause I’m thinking they could be useful in future projects. In the meantime I have so many plugins in the library that I thought it is really time to start using them. 😉 Modeling of this object is done with...
by kratzdistel | Jun 24, 2020 | 3D Furniture, Videos
There’s a table that I didn’t show anywhere in the internet. And a sign I’ve made once as a 3D printable stencil / template for coffee art:...
by kratzdistel | May 25, 2020 | 3D Furniture, Videos
It’s been a while since I published something here but in the meantime I was busy modeling more and more furniture items. I’ve made screencastings of some of the models you can see at my Youtube Channel. Or here....
by kratzdistel | Aug 19, 2019 | 3D Scenes, Videos
You know, I love creating and modeling furniture, I have even complete rooms and apartments on my projects list. But rendering large images to show everything in detail or rendering video sequences is very time consuming. Now I found a tool named...